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The Best Keto Mashed Potato Recipe (Mashed Kohlrabi)

Writer's picture: blacksheepketoblacksheepketo

It may seem like a bold claim to call this the best keto mashed potato recipe, but I truly think that it is. While I love cauliflower mash and radish mash, they never really felt like keto mashed potatoes to me. It was always super apparent what they were made of. Kohlrabi was the solution! Kohlrabi is very low in carbs, and has similar macros to cauliflower, but it tastes much more like a potato to me! There is a hint of sweetness on the end, but it's hardly noticeable unless you're looking for it. This base recipe for mashed kohlrabi can be easily modified into a keto garlic mashed potatoes, or basically anything else that you can think of.

Keto Mashed Kohlrabi Recipe
Keto Mashed Kohlrabi Recipe

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 3

Macros Per Serving (about 5 ounces):

Calories: 166

Fat: 15g

Protein: 3g

Net Carbs: 3g

  • Total Carbs: 7g

  • Fiber: 4g



(Ingredients can be purchased by clicking on the green link)

  • 3 small-medium Kohlrabi (about 1.5 lb whole with stems; 12 oz trimmed and peeled)

  • 2 OZ Cream Cheese

  • 2 TBSP butter

  • Pink Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

Modifications: Add some garlic salt and cheddar to create an easy garlic cheddar mash.


Ingredients purchased through Amazon affiliate links support the site. See Affiliates page for more information.


Let's Do This!

  1. Remove the stems and peel the kohlrabi. If you're not sure how to do this, watch the video below. Make sure that you get all of the fibers off of the flesh.

  2. Slice the kohlrabi into 1 inch cubes.

  3. Boil for 15-20 minutes, until a fork can easily puncture through the green side. The green side of the kohlrabi is hard than the white side.

  4. Strain the kohlrabi, then transfer to a food processor.

  5. Add the cream cheese, butter, salt, and pepper. Pulse a few times to break up the kohlrabi, then run on high until the mash reaches your desired consistency.

  6. Enjoy!


How We Did It!

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